Total Medals Earned: 261 (From
53 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 5,675 Points
Break out the legal way.
Break out the badass way.
Break out the Sneaky Way
Find all 18 FAILs.
...or do you?
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Kill 2 Doctors in the operating theater.
Infect singer in the backstage.
Infect poor rat.
Infect 3 dogs in bonus scene #1.
Complete the game.
Kill himself with a gun in bonus scene #2.
Kill himself with a knife in bonus scene #2.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Rescue Gretel
Suffer the stickman's wrath
Step on the trap
Get Hansel to eat the scissors
Get the pit death
Try and cross the swamp without Hansel
Go for a swim
Solve the weather puzzle
Pet the teddy
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Race the wolf... and lose
Get crushed
Teach hansel how to fly
Be too greedy
Give a dog a bone
Disrespect your elders
Beat a dead horse
Keep both dinner guests alive
Reveal the bridge
Slay the beast
Get cut
Give Rufus back his hat
Free Emma
Complete the game
Beat the game after getting all the deaths
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Lose at ROPE JUMP.
Find me two sporks
Read the instructions
Kill a Jesus in COP TRAINING.
Sweep and miss 10 times in SWEEP THE LEG.
Try both game modes in one session
Lose 10 times in one session of play.
Poke the mammoth in the eye
Submit a score
Destroy 10 asteroids in ASTROIDS 2.
Win RACE with 3 seconds or less left on the clock
Eat 15 food items in DIET RUN in one try.
Reach a score of 5000 points or more.
Get 3 perfect stops in CHARGE.
Get your MULTIPLIER up to 10
Get all 3 balls to fall on the correct platform in PIPES.
Get your MULTIPLIER up to 10 and then QUIT your game from the PAUSE menu.
Get a streak of 10 or more.
Destroy 10 planes in JETS.
Beat THE FINAL STAGE without losing a single life.
Serve 40 beers in BARTENDER in one try.
Finish half of STORY MODE
Get a score of 10 000 points or more.
Win KALCULATOR in 7 operations or less.
Get a streak of 20 or more.
Win 30 games in RANDOM MODE with 10 lives remaining.
Complete STORY MODE with all 10 lives.
Get a streak of 50 or more.
Continue to play for 30 seconds after the movie ends.
Muscle your way to the end with Reemus.
Follow Liam's logic to a watery escape.
Help Reemus relieve some roach tension.
You might earn this for winning her affection.
But will she love me now that I can see at all?
That should have been obvious from the start.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Collect 100 Gems.
Play to day 7 and beyond.
Collect All Giant Gems.
Collect 400 Gems.
Find all the checkpoints in the level.
Beat the Super Dashing Course in under 25 seconds.
Fill out every entry in the Codex.
Collect every Red Gem on the Level.
Buy every skill.
Max out every single level type.
Defeat Nightmare with only 1 LOVE level.
Complete the game without ever sleeping.
Get 100% completion.
Enter a portal.
Collect at least 6 artifacts.
Make at least 10 visits to Looming.
Collect at least 18 artifacts.
Collect all of the tally beads.
Collect all of the diagram pieces.
Collect all of the Lorem tablets.
Collect all of the Path rings.
Collect all of the Seecha rods.
Collect all of the Oarbor bones.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Beat the game.
Let out all your aggression.
Be kind to those less fortunate than yourself.
Reveal the true face of evil!
Defeat Madness Mode!